Is it too much to think that any of us are really going to get out of the house this weekend? The weather report is calling for more snow and ice on Saturday, and then of course there is Superbowl on Sunday. But in case you need an change of venue, here are some suggestions:
FREE MUSEUM ADMISSIONS for Bank of America credit card holders...
lots of NYC museums, as well as Morris Museum, Montclair Art Museum and the Newark Museum; I always enjoy the Morris Museum...does anyone remember going as a kid and playing with the color matching machine? In the 1970s, that was impressive technology!
$15 Tickets to the New Shanghai Circus at the Mayo Center in Morristown
Grab a free ice cream cone at Baskin Robbins; buy one get one FREE ice cream cone coupon (excluding waffle cones)…just click the link on their FACEBOOK wall to get a coupon.
Take your kids to Home Depot for a Valentine carpentry project. Saturday from 9AM-12PM, kids ages 5-12 can make a heart shelf. In addition to the heart shelf, each child receives a kid-sized orange apron, similar to The Home Depot associates’ aprons, and an achievement pin.
Grab your Barnes and Noble gift card from Groupon and get a good book to read in front of a warm fire with a cup of hot chocolate...$20 for $10
And according to the NY Times movie review I read on the train tonight, you are free to skip the new James Cameron movie. But "The King's Speech" is still playing in Millburn.
Great job Mom